home | news | neu industrial action 15th & 16th march 2023

NEU INDUSTRIAL ACTION 15th & 16th March 2023

We confirm that the following classes will be closed on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March:

  • Elm
  • Pine
  • Spruce
  • Poplar (15th March ONLY)

At this time I believe that all other classes will be open as usual, however staff are not obliged to confirm their intention to take action before 8am on each day; this may lead to some additional closures at very short notice.

Should the situation change I will update parents and carers with as much notice as possible. Clearly this is a difficult situation, which will cause some disruption. I would ask you, however, to be understanding.

A national strike by teachers is very unusual. Taking strike action is not something that any teacher would undertake lightly. Those on strike will have thought long and hard about their decision and will also lose pay for the days that they are on strike.


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