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English: Reading- 3 class guided reads and two Reading Plus sessions

Writing: taught daily based around a class text alongside spellings and handwriting

Mathematics- taught daily

Geography / History- taught weekly in half termly blocks

RE / PSHE – taught weekly in half term blocks

Computing – taught weekly

PE – taught twice a week 

Music – taught weekly from One Education  -learning to play an instrument

Art / D.T. – taught weekly in half term blocks

French taught weekly

Science taught weekly

An overview of the curriculum for Autumn 1 2024

  • In Maths, the focus will be place value and number
  • In English we are looking at instructional writing
  • In Science we are looking at a Living Things
  • In Geography, we will be finding our about the Continent of America.
  • Design Technology, we are looking at Pavilions and designing our own
  • Music is learning to play a brass instument
  • Games is Netball and PE is gymnastics
  • Computing this term is Networks

To support our planning we use:

White Rose Maths for Mathematics planning.

Kapow Primary for Art & Design, Computing and Design Technology

Rising Stars for Science, Geography and History

One Education for Music

Language Angels for French

GetSet4PE for Games and P.E.

P.E. days

Hazel – Monday and Thursday                        Larch – Monday and Wednesday

Beech – Tuesday and Thursday

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