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This year our Attendance target is 97%

Each child’s attendance will be monitored each half term and RAG rated as set out in the table below:

GREEN     pupils with attendance between 100% and 97%
AMBER      pupils with attendance between 96.9% and 90%
RED       pupils with attendance below 90% 


A child with attendance below 90% is persistently absent from school.  These children will be monitored closely and strategies implemented to improve attendance.  Where no improvement is seen a Penalty Notice may be issued ( please see below).


Late Arrival Registration begins at 8.55am, pupils arriving after this time will be marked as present but arriving late. The register will close at 9.20am pupils arriving after the close of register will be recorded as late, this will not be authorised and will count as an absence for that school session.

Authorised Leave The Headteacher will not authorise leave during term time.  Parents are strongly advised not to take their child out of school as this may result in a penalty warning notice being issued. 

Up to 5 school days leave in any one school year may be granted in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Headteacher.

Penalty Notices (Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003) Penalty Notices will be considered when:

  • A pupil is absent from school for the purpose of a holiday in term time and the absence has not been authorised by the school
  • A pupil has accumulated at least ten sessions of unauthorised absence and further unauthorised absence has occurred following written warning to improve

A Penalty Notice gives the parent the opportunity to discharge themselves of their legal responsibility if a £60 fine is paid within 28 days or £120 if paid within 42 days of the date the Notice was issued.         

Failure to pay the Penalty Notice may result in a prosecution under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996.

Penalty Notices will be used in accordance with Manchester City Council’s Penalty Notice Protocol.

We request that Parents will:

  • Instil the value of education and regular school attendance within the home environment
  • Contact the school if their child is absent to let them know the reason why and the expected date of return. Follow this up with a note.
  • Try to avoid unnecessary absences. Wherever possible make appointments for the Doctors, Dentists etc. outside of school hours.
  • Ask the school for help if their child is experiencing difficulties.
  • Inform the school of any change in circumstances that may impact on their child’s attendance.
  • Encourage routine at home, for example, bed times, home work, preparing school bag and uniform the evening before.
  • Not keep their child off school to go shopping, to help at home or to look after other members of the family.
  • Avoid taking their child on holiday during term-time, where this is unavoidable, send a written leave request to the Head Teacher in advance of booking the holiday.

Please click below to view the full attendance policy for 2021/22.

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