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Breakfast Club

Broad Oak breakfast club provides a warm, friendly environment providing creative play between 7.45am to 8.55am.

The children have the opportunity to read, play board games, use Lego, colour pictures and play outside in good weather. Ms Edwards (school cook) will provide a breakfast of cereal and toast served with either milk or orange juice. This will be served between 8.00am and 8.35am.

Miss Holt, Mrs Blow, Mrs Ahmed and Mrs Sheya will supervise the children, providing a range of quiet activities. Infants will be accompanied to their classes.

You can either book a regular place or register with us for ad-hoc sessions which you need to notify us of in advance by emailing breakfastclub@broadoak.manchester.sch.uk. However, your child needs to be registered first.

Sessions are paid for via Parent Pay, the cost is £3.00 a morning per child (£15.00 per week). Dates can be flexible. Please complete a booking form and emergency information if you wish your child to attend.

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