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At Broad Oak, it is our intention to teach Music in alignment with our core values.


Our curriculum aims to promote a positive attitude to music.  Pupils will experience how music is a powerful and unique form of communication that can positively change how they feel, think and act.


Music is used as a medium for children to express their feelings and emotions and promote positive behaviours through listening, composing and performing.  It enables them to be responsible for their own actions during lessons and when interacting and working with their peers.


During music lessons, pupils will be given the opportunity to express their opinions, take part in performances with an awareness of the audience and discuss their personal preferences to others about the quality and style of music they listen to.  This will be encouraged in a supportive way to develop a child’s confidence to speak freely and truthfully to verbalise their views and perform with confidence.


Children will be given opportunities to implement through experimentation and improvisation  the skills required to perfect their compositions and performances until they are satisfied with the end result


Our Music curriculum aims to develop an interest and love of music by exposing children to a range of diverse, musical experiences which children will enjoy and reflect on.


Music at Broad Oak will enable our children to develop self-confidence, leadership and social skills. Our lessons will enable children to work together in a caring and supportive environment in order to develop lasting, secure friendships with each other.


Pupils will be given the opportunity to listen and respond to different musical styles and will be encouraged to use their voices and a variety of instruments to compose and perform.  This will encourage children to become confident and reflective musicians and develop their ability to make changes to performances when improvements are required.





First and foremost we want children to feel that they are musical, and to develop a life-long love of music. We focus on developing the skills, knowledge and understanding that children need in order to become confident performers, composers and listeners. The children will experience music from around the world and from different periods of time, teaching them to respect and appreciate the music of all traditions and communities.

Children will develop the musical skills of singing, playing tuned and un-tuned instruments, improvising and composing music and listening and responding to music. They will develop an understanding of the history and cultural context of the music they listen to and learn how music can be written down.



The individual strands of music (performing, listening, composing, the history of music) are woven together to create interesting and engaging learning experiences.

Each unit of work combines these strands within a topic designed to capture pupils’ imagination and encourage them to explore music enthusiastically. The curriculum is organised as a ‘2 year spiral’ and each unit of work comprises broadly of five lessons designed to be delivered over the course of a half term. Pupils in KS1 and LKS2 are taught music in every half term; in UKS2, music is taught in alternate half terms. Children are taught how to sing fluently and expressively and play tuned and un-tuned instruments. They will learn to recognise the interrelated dimensions of music- pitch, duration, tempo, timbre, structure, texture and dynamics.

The curriculum organisation ensures that previous knowledge and skills are returned to and built upon. Children progress by tackling more complex tasks, developing understanding and knowledge of the history of music, musical notation and the interrelated dimensions of music.

Children will participate in activities from a range of styles and traditions, developing their musical skills and understanding. During music lessons children will have opportunities to work independently, in pairs, in groups or as part of a teacher led performance.

We acknowledge the importance of strong staff subject knowledge in delivering the curriculum effectively. As such, each unit of work is accompanied by videos and supporting guidance for teachers who are not musical, so that they feel supported to deliver lessons of a high standard.




The impact of the curriculum is continually monitored through formative assessment. Each lesson includes guidance on opportunities for assessment and at the end of each unit there is often a performance where a summative judgement of learning can be made. Knowledge organisers also support the key learning from the unit, encouraging recall of skills, knowledge and vocabulary.


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